To take MediaShow 3 into the next generation of creating majestic photo albums and digital slideshows, CyberLink has added the following great features that are truly untouchable. For all your slideshow needs, there is no other application that can measure up!
A refined wizard guides users step-by-step in making creative and professional slideshows. It's so handy that anyone will quickly learn how to make dazzling slideshows using MediaShow. Easy-to-use Storyboard
MediaShow uses easy drag-and-drop functions to place thumbnails in the file sequencer and allows you to easily create presentation storyboards. The sequence of the thumbnails on the file sequencer can be easily re-arranged into the order you want. Over 100 Animated Text Effects
MediaShow allows you to place text anywhere on an image, define its font, color and size. Moreover, there are over 100 animated effects to choose from (such as Fly-in-fly-out, Rollercoaster, Marching, etc.), to make your text look more animated and impactful. Over 50 Slide Transition Effects
With just a simple click of the mouse, you can make your presentation look more dazzling and professional. MediaShow allows you to choose from an abundance of different Transition Effects so that your slides with move from one to the next with a special touch of style and creativity. Transition Effects available include: ripple, page fold, grand-opening, laser, and much more...
http://rapidshare.com/files/59525639/CyberLink.Medi_Show.3.0.rarLabels: Cyberlink, Software |