Create your own greeting cards. Belltech Greeting Card Designer helps you easily create cool greeting cards with your own photos, clip art, callouts, and backgrounds, and print them right away on your printer.
Create cards for Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, New Year, Valentine's Day, birthdays, anniversaries, or any occasion. Start with a card template and add your own photos and clip art to finish. This product is integrated with an advanced screen-capture tool and a variety of image-editing capabilities. Add cool shapes such as smiles and love signs. Use hundreds of supplied verses to create quarter-fold or half-fold cards. Add color-gradient effects, texture, partial transparency, shadows to your images, and shapes. Belltech Greeting Card Designer supports BMP, JPEG, GIF, PNG, WMF, or TIFF images; and offers cut-copy-paste functionality for all the design elements and from other programs.
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