VisualGPS BeeLineGPS v1.81.105 for PPC
Thursday, July 5, 2007 |

BeeLineGPS is a high performance Pocket PC cache navigation and management software tool. Import GPX files and manage thousands of waypoints with the advanced Waypoint Manger. View, manage and hunt geocaches with ease and confidence while having fun, a perfect paperless solution. BeeLineGPS also includes active waypoint technology where a waypoint can trigger a warning window for speed traps, safety cameras or play a sound byte while on a guided tour. Other features include waypoint averaging, altitude profiling and a comprehensive trip computer. BeeLineGPS is the ultimate GPS tool for your geocaching and outdoor needs.
BeeLineGPS waypoint database can support over 15,000 waypoints with over 100 icons to depict specific locations. If you don’t see a specific icon, ask for it and we’ll add it.
Geocaching BeeLineGPS has specific features to help the Geocacher find and manage the cache. With many Geocache icons, BeeLineGPS can help identify found, attempted, new and other cache states. Below shows the states and icons associated with these states. BeeLineGPS will also show detailed information using the web browser for each cache by simply clicking on the cache waypoint on the map. Using the GoTo waypoint feature along with the map screen, you can zero in on to the cache using the on-screen direction finder.
Here are some key features of “BeeLineGPS”:
· Simple mapping · Single track · Map Modes: Course Up and North Up · Programmable navigation fields (Map and Trip screens) (Bearing, Bearing Symbolic, Cross Track Error, Distance to Waypoint, ETE, ETA. Heading, Heading Symbolic, Odometer, Speed, Max Speed, Maximum Altitude, Minimum Altitude, Average Speed, Trip Duration and Altitude Difference (max-min), gradient (min,max and average), altitude total ascent/decent) · Altitude, speed and acceleration profiling · Waypoint management - thousands of waypoints (PDA memory limitations apply) · Waypoint Averaging · Programmable Dilution of Precision (DOP) threshold to enhance average calculation · Standard deviation of the position to show the position accuracy · Waypoint Projection · Support for GPX and CSV files · Active waypoints · Setup active waypoints to play a sound file when they are within a programmable range · BeeLineGPS can alert when you are near a geocache, safety camera. · Multiple screens · Analog gauge panel - Altitude, speed, compass and vertical speed · Azimuth/Elevation · Satellite Signal Quality · Trip/Digital Panel · Map · Analysis · NMEA logging - recording and playback · Differential mode indication · Over 120 waypoint icons to choose from · Support for any screen resolution · Support for VGA screen resolution · Support for landscape and square screens · User configurable screens
· Pocket PC 2002, 2003, 2003SE and Windows Mobile 5 · GPS receiver with NMEA output · NMEA - GPGGA, GPGSA, GPGSV and GPRMC
http://rapidshare.com/files/40600181/VisualGPS.BeeLineGPS.v1.81.105.XScale.WM2003.WM5.Cracked-SyMPDA.rarLabels: Mobile Phone |
posted by Kawai @ 6:29 PM  |